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Underage Junior hockey 2 of 4

2. Junior section - key contacts & coaches

Head of Junior Girls Hockey - Currently Vacant (ruhcgirls@gmail.com)
Head of Junior Boys Hockey - Steve Hiles (ruhcboys@gmail.com

Administration Team
Girls Administrator(s) - Siuin Woods, Florence Maughan & Steve Hiles (ruhcgirls@gmail.com)
Boys Administrator - Steve Hiles (ruhcboys@gmail.com)

Child Protection Officer - Paul Fogarty (ruhcchildrensofficer@gmail.com)
Railway Designated Officer - Helen Johnston

Junior Girls Coaches for 2024-2025

Girls Inters (3rd & 4th Years): Claudia Coyne, Isabelle Barr, Hannah Rooney, Siuin Woods
Girls Minors (2nd Yr): Florence Maughan (Lead), Isabelle Barr
Girls x8s (1st Yr): Sarah Rooney (Lead), Charlotte Walsh, Tori Cuddy
Girls x8s (6th Class) Siuin Woods (lead), Sarah Rooney, Charlotte Walsh, Tori Cuddy

You will notice all are our lead coaches in the junior girls programme are female which has been an important objective in our commitment to the development of young female hockey coaches.
We strongly believe that our junior girls need great female role models coaching them and we are very proud of our junior coaches.

Junior Boys Coaches & Managers

u16As - Kenny Carroll & Shomik Chakborarty
u16 Development squad - Kenny Carroll & Shomik Chakborarty

Under 14s (Boys 1st & 2nd Year)
u14As - Kenny Carroll
u14 Development squad -Shomik Chakborarty

Under 12s (boys 5th & 6th class)
u12As - Liam McCarthy & Shomik Chakborarty
u12 Development squad - Steve Hiles, Jack Fairmaner

u10s (3rd & 4th class) -Coaches: Jack Fairmaner, Ian Campbell & Toby O'Connell
u8s (1st & 2nd class)
u6s (Junior & Senior Infants & also some pre-school)
Coaches: Parent lead coaching programme supported with our TY coaches

Junior GK coaches
Additional GK coaching on Fridays 6.30pm-7.45pm at Park Avenue (1st-4th year) - Liam McCarthy & Shomik Chakborarty