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Railway girls heroic performance to win with 9 players

Railway girls heroic performance to win with 9 players

Railway Junior Hockey9 Mar - 20:04
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Railway 4ths win their Div 6 league match 3-1 with only 9 players today in a fantastic team effort

After two overnight illnesses / injuries and a significant amount of regular 4th XI players unavailable a make shift Railway team head to Enniscorthy to take on Gorey 1sts with only 9 players.
Far away from home and in lashing rain the girls faced an uphill task but adopted an "no excuses" mindset as they took the field.
Things did not start well as Gorey in the ascendancy took the lead towards the end of the first quarter but there were positive signs for Railway as they counter attacked with speed & purpose and forced several circle entries.
It was the second quarter that the midfield trio of Clare Michelle Howard, Anna Kilpatrick and Katie Simms started to dictate the game and the tireless "duo" up front of Lola Hayden and Judy O'Sullivan started to create chances and it was the latter Judy who was on hand to slot the ball home and level the scores. The Railway girls continued to force the game and from a penalty corner the ever impressive Clara Michelle Howard fired them 2-1 into the lead.
At half time the focus was on retaining possession, playing their passing game but also pushing forward knowing with being player for player 3v3 at the back chances were going to be conceded.
It was Railway who got number 3 another surging run from Anna Kilpatrick found Clara Michelle and a shot / cross was superbly controlled by Lola Hayden at the back post and slotted home No 3.
As quarter 3 and then quarter 4 progressed Gorey continued to create chances and the resolute defensive "3" of Holly McCutcheon, Kate O'Sullivan and Dara Smyth were fantastic and well supported by GK Chloe Hiles and many booming clearances that started several counter attacks.
The girls with a team all under 17 with one 6th year, three 5th years, two 4th years and three 3rd years probably were up against a much more experienced Gorey team that were playing good hockey and continued pressuring the Railway goal deep into the final quarter and after a bad knock to the knee defender Dara Smyth had to go off and leave the girls down to 8 but after a few minutes she bravely went back on and continued her fine performance.
The final whistle was greeted with relief from an exhausted 9 girls who produced a performance of amazing character, will power and mental strength that they will remember for many years to come in knowing what is possible in sport.
Thanks for David Medcalf for umpiring for Railway and was lovely to see him again in the not so sunny South East and a big big thanks for all the parents who drove down and supported the girls through the rain and well done to the Enniscorthy 9 !
Further reading