We have had a very successful 2023/24 season. The strong performances across the club on the field of play and in the club more generally could not have been achieved without the time and expertise provided by a range of our members on a voluntary basis. We acknowledged the contribution of Kenny Carroll at the Club Dinner by awarding him Club Member of the Year and there were meaningful contributions from many across the club.
Adult Club Captains: Fergus Flynn, Ciara Houlihan
Womens 1sts: Margaret Shaw, Ellie McLaughlin
Womens 2nds: Dervilla Niall, Roisin Carroll, Maura Rooney
Womens 3rds: Jennifer Maverley
Womens 4ths - Team I: Michelle Emerson
Womens 4ths - Team II: Maria Dixon, Simon Howley
Womens 4ths - Team III: Karen White, Paul O'Brien
Development pathway coaches: Ciara O'Brien, Erica Hinkson
Mens 1sts: Fergus Flynn
Mens 2nds: Conor O'Brien
Mens 3rds: John Campbell
Womens Veterans: Fiona O’Loghlin
Railblazers: Margaret Shaw, Russell Walsh, Claire Hickey, Willow Bardin, Sarah Hawkshaw, Kate Lloyd, Caoilfhionn Rowan
Pitch / Development: Kenny Carroll, Steven Hiles, Eoin Brennan
General Committee: Paul O’Brien (Chair), Mike Tighe (Secretary), Elisa Angelini (Treasurer), Fergus Flynn, Ciara Houlihan (Adult Club Captains), Steven Hiles (Youth Hockey)
Adult Operational Committee: Bruce Thompson (fixtures – during season), Sean Smith (fixtures – pre-season), Paul O'Brien (registrations)
Adult organisation - umpiring: Aoife Sexton, Peter Yates
Social media, Website: Helen Johnston, Paul O'Brien, Kenny Carroll, Steven Hiles
Adult and Junior Indoor hockey: Helen Johnston, Holly Jenkinson, Gareth Myburgh, Arjen vanAs, Kenny Carroll, Bill Whaley, Mariosa Whaley, Tristan Seaton Stedham
EYHL Judge roles: Siobhan Smyth, Brendan Smyth, Eddie English, Gerard O'Brien, Aoife O'Brien
EYHL ball patrol: Ciara O'Brien, Kenny Carroll
Social events and fundraising: Kate Dillon, Ailish Long, Jenny Long, Paul O’Brien
Junior Hockey: Steven Hiles, Kenny Carroll, Sarah Hooper, Ciara O'Brien, Dara Rothwell, Bruce Thompson
Junior Schools Programmes (Booterstown NS, Shellybanks ETNS, Scoil San Treasa): Sarah Hooper, Wendy Porter, Sarah Wymes, Louise Carroll, Andrew Sutton, Lesley Hogan and Olivia Caslin
Primary School blitzes: Ciara O'Brien, Wendy Porter, Bruce Thompson, Rachel Morrogh, Paula Casserly, Simon Blake Knox, Carol Mackenzie, Ruth Anne O’Brien, Kevin O’Brien
Hazel Ruane, Orlagh Abrahamsen, Christian Abrahamsen, Michelle Butera, Mark Knox, Aisling Knox, Sarah Lillis, Neal Parker, Linda Bell, Marianna Rizza, Sorcha Heaphy, Blaithin Thompson, Lisa Preston, Bill Whaley, Mariosa Whaley
Child Protection Officers: Paul Fogarty and Blaithin Thompson
Designated Liaison Person: Helen Johnston
Representatives on the Sports Club Management Committee: Paul O'Brien (Chair), Ciara O'Brien (Secretary - nominee of cricket club), Steven Hiles (Grounds sub committee) and to Gerard O’Brien, Hilary O’Reilly and Bruce Thompson who are three of the Trustees of the Sports Club.
Thanks to our coaches
In addition, we also acknowledge and thank the contribution our coaching teams have delivered this past season:
Womens 1sts: Una McCarthy, Gareth Myburgh, Dave Fitzgerald, Rachel Doolin
Womens 2nds: Rob Devlin, Tom O’Donoghue
Womens 3rds: Dechlan Bennet, Tom O’Donoghue
Womens 4ths - Team I: Shomik Chakraborthy
Womens 4ths - Team II: Brandon Kruger
Womens 4ths - Team III: Georgia Weir McErlean, Paul O'Brien
Mens 1sts: Tom Kingston, Darragh Curley
Mens 2nds & 3rds: Peter Yates, Kenny Carroll
Thanks also to all our team Captains and Co-Captains as well as our club members who contributed to hockey at Hockey Ireland or a provincial level: Kenny Carroll (Hockey Ireland), Arjen van As and Rob Abbott (indoor), Steven Hiles (schools) and to Aishling McGuinness, Ciara Houlihan, Maria Dixon and Emma Howley for volunteering at the Leinster Cup finals weekend.
Looking forwards:
We’ve set a high bar performance wise to replicate next season. We continue to look for the support of you, our members, to help all our members Develop, Enjoy and Excel at hockey in Railway Union next season.
Whilst we have many successes to celebrate last season, we were unable to progress a number of initiatives and actions last year due to the lack of resources. We would therefore ask all members who can volunteer even an occasional hour or two to come forward and help make the 2024/2025 season another great year for the club. You can also find more information and resources about volunteering at: https://www.volunteer.ie/
To all our volunteers, thanks once again.