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Sports Club Annual General Meeting

Sports Club Annual General Meeting

Paul O Brien11 Apr - 07:36
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The AGM of the Railway and Steampacket Athletic & Social Union (Railway Union Sports Club) takes place later this month.

The 2024 General Meeting of the Railway and Steampacket Athletic & Social Union will take place on Saturday 27 April 2024 at 12:30 in the clubhouse. This is the umbrella club which oversees the running of the facilities at Park Avenue on behalf of the seven sports clubs which make up Railway Union.

The formal notification and the Agenda for the AGM as well as the Sports Club's 2023 Financial Statements are attached for members on the hockey website:
Sports Club AGM Documents

As well as the annual recurring items such as approval of accounts, confirmation of Management Committee, appointment of accountant etc, there are a number of proposed amendments to the Sports Club's Constitution. These are detailed in the notification.

A vacancy for the role of Sports Club Treasurer has arisen and if any member would be interested in supporting the Sports Club by taking on this role, please let me know. The Management Committee is interested in hearing from individuals interested in assisting in even a partial capacity as there is scope to allocate the tasks carried out by the Treasurer amongst more than one individual. You can email me at

There will be a number of hockey members attending the AGM to ensure that an appropriate representation of the views of our members can be expressed at the AGM. If you have any comments or feedback or would like to attend as one of our voting attendees, please let the Committee know through Michael Tighe, our Secretary, at or to myself as Chair of the General Committee.

Further reading